

Kansainvälisen liiton vuosikokous Gdyniassa

Jokainen kynnelle kykenevä Puolan Gdyniaan osallistumaan vuosikokoukseen!

Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at 09:30 hrs, Thursday 26th July at the Marina, Gdynia, Poland


  1.  Apologies
  2. Approval of Minutes of 2017 AGM
  3.  President’s Report
  4. Secretary’s Report
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Appointment of Auditor
  7. Report from International Rules Committee
  8. Election of Officers
    Election of International President
    Election of International Vice President
  9. Rule Changes
  10. World Championship 2019 – Fremantle,